Ok...so, do you want to know the definition of spontaneity? Driving from Logan to Ogden at 11:00. And that's exactly what my roommates and I did this weekend. On the way through sardine canyon this red Grand Am was being ridiculous and cutting us off and trying to get us to race and not letting us pass and whatever... so brave little Heather called Highway Patrol Dispatch! way to keep the streets safe Heath! So anyway, once we got lost, and then found ourselves and finally got to Ogden we stayed there until one thirty mini golfing in BlAck LigHts! super super cool... THEN at 1:30 we decided to continue on to Tooele instead of going back to Logan. But the adventure didn't end there. We got to Tooele around 2:40 and stopped at Meredith's family's donut/bagel shop. We got to eat the freshest, most delicious donuts ever made! I can't even describe it... Anyway we originally went there to see her dad who usually gets there around 3:00... which he did... After her dad got there we decided to wait for some fresh bagels. That was a brilliant, beyond brilliant idea. then Milly's dad found that the freezer wasn't working! (That is not a good thing when you have a bakery to open in approximately 2 hours...) so we ran speedy quick to the local Walmart to buy an extension cord. Then we waited around the bakery- I can't quite remember why- until around 5:00. at that time we went to Kayt's house and crashed in her basement. We got up around 9:30 to the wonderful aroma of pancakes, bacon, sausage, and hash browns! pure joy. (thank you Kayt's mom!!) and if you think our adventure was finished... think again! Kayt's mom has this tradition of painting hay bales seasonally... and so Kayt convinced her to let us help her paint it with the Utah State symbol. I won't even try to explain how awesome it turned out. finally we headed home.... needless to say we slept pretty much the rest of the day...
13 years ago