So, for the past couple of weeks my lower back ( and by lower back i mean my tail bone area) has been really hurting. it's happened before and my chiropractor told me that it was tendinitis. This time it was progressively getting worse, so i went to the doctor. it took him about 3 seconds to know that it wasn't tendinitis at all. it turned out to be a pilonidal cyst. not even lying. So, i went along my merry way for about two days and then the pain was so bad i couldn't even get out of bed to go to work. My mom took me to the ER where they decided to drain all the infection out of it. They gave me a shot in my hip for pain, as well as local anesthesia, but even with that the pain was so bad that it was hard for me to stay conscious. I was pail and started to sweat and shake all over, so after the little procedure they hooked me up to an IV for about a half an hour, until i felt better. For the sake of everyone keeping their lunches in there stomachs i won't go into anymore detail, we'll just say it was an adventure which i hope never to embark on again.